Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Questionnaire - Primary research.

Please state your gender.
Female          Male

Please state your age.
Age: 15-20    21-30   31-40    41-50    51 and over

What genre of film are you most interested in ?

Would you:
Go to the cinema when the film is released
Download from Itunes
Wait for a DVD release
Download Illegaly

List your top 5 films in the specific genre you favoured

Do you watch social realist films (e.g Kidulthood & This is England )
(as these are the specific films we are focusing on.)

What trailers have caught your eye recently?
State the title and genre……………………………………………….

Do you a favourite film trailer ?

How long would you expect a film trailer to last ?

Would you want to watch a film trailer called ‘Hackney Carnage’ ?

Would you want to watch a film trailer with a rating of fifteen?

Do you think the title ‘Hackney Carnage’ is a good title for a social realist film?


This is a legal and ethical issues post. We don't want our trailer to be an 18 because we won't make as much profit because the audiences are less as they get older. This trailer could not be shown in a PG film because it is not a PG rated trailer and the audience in the cinema could be too young to watch it.
Suitable only for 15 years and over
No one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema. No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video work.
The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.
Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.

Imitable behaviour
Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.
There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, ‘fuck’). The strongest  terms may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.
Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.
Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely  to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.
No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.
Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.

The above information was taken from the BBFC website:

Our film trailer:
We think our film trailer should be a 15 because it contains mild violence and  could contain some sexual references. Although there will be no graphical images it will still represent violence and possibly murder. There may be some swearing but not enough to push it into the 18 category.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Location Shots.

This is the Stratford upon Avon train station. We decided this is a possible place to film because it gives a sense of the city. Which will be important as the film is based in London.

Bancroft is another possible location to film. This is an area which could help in places. Some shaded shaded areas are enclosed which could help with the intense parts of the trailer.

Hackney Carnage.

This is the title page for our film trailer:

Hypothetical Production Budget.

So that I have a better idea of the costs that I can expect whilst filming my film trailer, I am going to look at the hypothetical production budget for a filmmaker making a short film independently. This will allow me to see the costs that are involved when having to hire both cast and crew for the period of filming, as well as equipment and other necessities.
I will then look at the real production budget of all three of my ideas, as this will allow me to plan ahead, and try to figure out what ways I can cut down costs. It will also help me to make a list of everything that I will need to source for the idea to be a success. Finally, it will help me to make a definite decision on my final idea, as I will be able to see the implications that each of them has.
This hypothetical film production budget is based on a filming period of 2 days, and I will still be playing the role of the producer so there will be no charges.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Working Title- Hackney Carnage, A crime thriller based on the streets of Hackney.
Format- This production will be shot using a JVC handheld camcorder or a Sony A1E. It will be edited using Final cut Pro on a apple mac.
Intended Audience- The intended audience will be ages 18-29. I used IDMB to research age’s groups that voted for the films I am basing my Final production on.
Synopsis- There are 2 rival streets (The Dalston's & Hackney Down's) involved in this trailer who get into a spot of trouble, one of the members of a gang called Tyler (Hackney Down's) decides that he is going to attack a member of the opposing gang. Because he doesn't want to face the consequences for the assault, he blames a close friend (Ben) that was there with him when it happened, not realising that his friend will end up in prison. When his sentence has finished Ben decides that he is going to get his own back on Tyler for what he's done.. he does this by making the peace with The Dalston's and they fight back.

Style- The production on my film trailer will be aggressive and crime fighting. It will include narration from the main characterat some poins and will also include sound effects.

Resourses Required- We will need to film the trailer using a JVC handheld camcorder or a Sony A1E.
A baseball bat for the violent part, mobile phones to make the actors look like they are doing something in the trailer, & bikes or something similar for the actors to get around the streets on.

Rationale- There is a clearly a market for a film of this type. An example within this genre and one which we are attempting to emulate is 'This Is England'. This film achieved a world wide gross of over $8m. There are some other titles within our genre which indicate a market need such as Kidulthood & Adulthood.

Feasibility- The trailer can be made because it will be shot locally & there are many actors who are willing to be involved. Not many props will be needed so getting hold of them isn't a problem. The locations we will be using are public places so getting there wouldn't be a problem & we wouldn't need permission.

Deadlines- The final deadline is the 10th of March which means that everything including the trailer, all pre-production work & evaluation should be completed.

 Worldwide: $8,176,544 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This is England film poster analysis.

Adulthood film poster analysis.

Target audience for This is England.

This image shows that mostly Males under 18 either in the US or not voted 'This is England' as their favourite film. 
A total of 29879 people voted altogether & only 18.3% rated this a 10 out of 10. 0.8% rated it 0 out of 10.

Target audience for Adulthood.

The image above tells us that females under 18 voted adulthood as their favourite film.
3722 people voted altogether, 16.7% of them gave it a rating of 10 out of 10 & 4.4% gave it a rating of 1.

Target audience for Kidulthood.

The image above shows us that males & females aged 18-29 voted Kidulthood as their favourite film/
Altogether, 6684 people voted, 21.2% rated it 10 out of 10 & 5.6% gave it a rating of 1.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This Is England Trailer - trailer analysis.

This trailer begins with the names of the company which produced the film, & a logo to show that it won the award for winner of the best film in the British independent film awards 2006.
It shows the character by himself using different shots, but he is talking at the same time. He gets in a fight soon afterwards which shows that the film is going to be based upon him getting in fights & possibly turning into a bit of a bad boy. After that it shows the date in which the film is set. It then shows clips of significant moments of time which was going on around that time.
It has writing throughout the trailer to show what's happening at that point in the film. At happy points in the trailer, jolly music is played in the background but when he meets a certain character the music changes & is more dull & dismal. The name of the director is written near the middle of trailer.
After some violence occurs in the trailer, the music goes off & the young characters mum speaks to him & asks if he is okay, which seems as if she hasn't seem him much & doesn't know how he's really getting on with life, then the music turns sad & it shows the logo's for awards the film received whilst the main characters are walking down a street.
Quotes are then written to show ratings from people who have watched the film.
The title is written near the end of the trailer & is beside the main character.
At the end of the trailer, all important information is given, for example about the production company, & a website which you can visit.

ADULTHOOD OFFICIAL TRAILER - Film trailer analysis.

The trailer begins with a character from the previous film in the sequel having been put in prison, it also shows the company which produced the film.
You know that he has been in prison because it gives information in the trailer saying 'Six years locked up' & goes into a flashback to the point in the previous film 'Kidulthood' which caused him to get put in prison in the first place.
Different shots are used throughout the trailer, showing the same character but in different places.
Writing is used in the trailer at points to indicate what is going to happen in the film.
The music in the background which is used is part of the soundtrack which is available to buy.
To show that this film is a sequel & carries on from 'Kidulthood' it says; "After Kidulthood comes Adulthood".
The trailer ends on a cliffhanger which makes you want to watch the film.

KiDULTHOOD Theatrical Trailer - for the film trailer analysis.

This is the trailer for Kidulthood which I analysed.

Film trailer analysis. - Kidulthood.

Throughout the film trailer, music is played in the background which goes with the style of the film. 

Poster Analysis - Kidulthood.